This morning, as part of National Streaming Day, Disney+ has announced that the new original series “Muppets Now” will premiere on July 31.

Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, and their other Muppet friends celebrated the announcement by causing a bit of mayhem on Twitter (click through to see the thread):

Lights! Music! Muppets! …Unscripted! Get ready to see your favorite characters like never before in , an Original Series, coming July 31 only on .

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“Muppets Now” is The Muppets Studio’s first original series for Disney+. In this six-episode season, Scooter rushes to make his delivery deadlines and upload the brand-new Muppet series for streaming. They’re due now, and he’ll need to overcome whatever obstacles, distractions, and complications the rest of the Muppets gang throws his way.

muppets now

Filled with spontaneous craziness, guest stars, and more frogs, pigs, bears (and whatever else) than legally allowed, the Muppets cut loose unscripted-style in this new series with the kind of silliness and fun that first made them famous.

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