If you’ve ever made the trek across a Walt Disney World theme park to check walk-up availability at a table-service restaurant only to find there’s a two-hour wait, we have good news. My Disney Experience has been updated with a new function that enables guests to search the app for restaurants with immediate walk-up reservation availability.

To search immediate walk-up availability, launch My Disney Experience and select “Check Dining Availability.”

My Disney Experience Check Dining Availability

Choose the current date and party size, and select “Now” as the timeframe.

My Disney Experience Walk-up Search

You’ll then be shown a list of restaurants with walk-up availability.

My Disney Experience Walk-up Availability

We haven’t been able to join a walk-up waiting list yet as there isn’t currently any availability but we’ll be sure to update you when we do!

Will this new dining feature make a big difference to your next Disney World visit? Let us know in the comments!